Tuesday 5th November
I may not be the most organised person on the planet but I thought I had things well sorted for getting my BFR (biennial flight review - that is, going through all the elements of a PPL flight test with an instructor who then "signs you off" for another two years) done and dusted by my anniversary date of 18th October. Well, best laid plans and all that....
I had made two bookings to go up with chief instructor, Roger in WAM on two successive Tuesdays, the 8th and 15th October. Should be OK, or so I thought, two chances to get it all sorted (unlike a flight test, it does not have to be done in one go). I got an email from the club a few days before the first booking cancelling both the above as Roger was not available. A quick phone call sorted a new booking, same time for the 15th with 2IC, Peter, also in WAM. Well, that didn't happen as, you may remember, the weather on the 14-15th was awful - storms moving up the country with winds up to 70knots reported at Wellington and the wind here on the morning of the booking was westerly, 28 gusting to 35 knots so, no-go there.
I was away visiting eldest daughter in Melbourne the next week so booked for the 29th. Well, anyone connected to the club or who reads the news will know that WAM was involved in a wee incident a few days before that date and will be in maintenance for some time as a result. So, farewell that booking (it was re-scheduled to a Tecnam but that wasn't possible, either).
Finally, we come to today. I had booked the club's other 172, JGP, fresh from its overhaul with Peter and finally, I get to go up. Not that the weather was too flash. Wind 030º at 15-20 knots on the surface, showers around, so could be challenging, especially as; a) not flown for 5 weeks, b) not exactly current with cross-wind landings, and c) not flown JGP for about 8 months.
Well, things started fairly well, a good take-off, Peter closing the throttle for an engine failure simulation which I handled OK, and we headed out South-east which looked the clearest area. We managed to get through medium, steep and compass turns, basic, power and flap, and wing drop stalls without too much drama. Then Peter asked me to pick a paddock and get set up for a forced landing simulation which was also pretty good. Finally there was a bit of low flying in the bad weather configuration (power back, flaps 10º, trimmed for around 80 knots at 7-800' above ground) and Peter then got me to choose an area for a precautionary landing. I chose an appropriate field and we did the 500' fly past, I told Peter that I would normally then do a lower pass before setting up for landing, but he told me to just do an approach and, as I had that sorted out OK, I was told to go-around and we headed back to the airport.
The next bit wasn't so good. With the above wind it was a 9-12 knot crosswind on any runway and we were instructed to join right base for grass 07. This proved very tricky. There is a grove of trees just short of and to the left of the threshold and this was causing a bit of turbulence which was just enough, coupled with the wind direction to make short final kind of challenging. Too challenging as it happened. After going around twice, Peter reckoned it was time to call it a day and do the circuit part of the BFR another time in more benign conditions. I agreed fully with that and we landed on the third approach - Peter helping out a lot! So, I have booked again Saturday week and, hopefully, will be back to PPL privileges again after that.