Tuesday 14th May
Well, it has been a while, but, I am posting again, and Stearman 03 is back in action after a few months of airframe maintenance and a repaint. I had my first fly in it today since last November - just over six months.
Instructor, Pete, decided we should do a bit of basic manoeuvring first and then a few circuits. Conditions were ideal, variable 5-6Kt wind at ground level and no significant cloud.
After the usual preflight I slid myself into the rear cockpit, Pete gave the plane a "six and six" (that is; six blades prop rotation and six primes), got in himself and, with a little bit of extra priming from the throttle the radial at the front fired up at the second attempt.
We taxied out to hold for grass 25 and were cleared for a Matakana one departure tracking out just seaward of Matakana Island at 1000 feet. Once clear of the zone we did some medium and steep turns left and right and, as Pete seemed pretty pleased with all that, headed back for circuits.
The first approach was via the Mount harbour entrance passing beach side of the Mount itself to join right base for grass 25 and a touch-and-go. This wasn't my best landing needing a wee bit of a reminder from Pete about speeds (70 knots on base, 65 on final and 60 over the threshold but my "rustiness" really showed after lift-off when I pointed the nose up too quickly before letting the speed increase to the ideal climb out of 70Kt (or maybe that's all the Tecnam circuits I have done since New Year?).
In the Tauranga circuit and lack of local currency showing. I was rather wide on downwind with a touch longer approach on base, finding myself a bit low turning final but from over the golf course (short final) Pete said nothing at all, letting me sort it out and an acceptable three-pointer resulted which was very pleasing.
Two more circuits, the landings not quite as good as the second one but, overall, I was pleased with the mornings efforts.
One slight hiccough, though. While taxiing back, I noticed the fuel gauge was less than half and suggested pulling over to the pumps. Pete agreed so we pulled over and shut down. Fuelling went OK - great care to avoid the lovely new paintwork. However, on restart the prop would only turn about 30ยบ and then stop on each start attempt - flat battery!! (A new one is due to go in shortly). So, we pulled the plane onto the grass and Pete walked off to the hangars to get the tractor to pull the Stearman back. I was left "minding" the plane. The fire vehicle stopped by to check what was going on (nice to know they care). Pete returned and I got a ride on the tractor back to the hangar with the biplane in tow to be connected up to the battery charger.
Another go quite soon, hopefully, as long as the "weather gods" prove kind.