Saturday 10th March
Well, the weather stayed good enough to fly despite Metservice warnings for poor weather over this weekend so I fronted up at the club to fly a few circuits in Archer III, WIT. It looks as though I will be sharing the flying of WIT down to Queenstown at Easter for the club trip to "Warbirds Over Wanaka" so I wanted to make sure I was current and confident (you can be legally current on type but not happy you are confident to fly; especially shortish field landings).
So, with a cloud base of 4000' and pretty much nil wind, conditions were ideal. Euan ("FlyinKiwi") was manning reception. He was there for a few circuits in Arrow, DQV but a flat battery and absence of any instructors to get the "start-cart" out had stymied him. I went out to pre-flight and intercepted instructor, Peter on his walk back having sent a student solo and got myself signed out and off I went.
First circuit, the idea being a normal circuit with as precise a landing as possible, went pretty well (apart from forgetting to turn the fuel pump on) and I landed on my designated spot on the runway nice and slow (65Kt short final, 60 at the threshold and about 55Kt at touchdown). If it had been a stop-and-go I would have been able to stop with over 1500 metres of runway ahead of me having touched down just beyond the old threshold (i.e. ignoring the new extension on 18L). So, about 500 metres landing distance - happy with that and into the next circuit.
As I touched and went I could hear DQV with Euan aboard instructed to line up behind so he had obviously got the prop turning! I was following a C172 from CTC who had been a bit wide on the circuit before so as I turned downwind I could see him latish downwind and Euan with the wheels up already turning crosswind and asked for a glide approach. That was approved and I went from number 2 to number 1 and carried out an reasonable glide approach onto 18L using flap to get my touch down point acceptably close to the "one-third" nominated point.
Four more laps after that all going well. On the last I was downwind behind the 172 again who slowed right down in front of me and did not look like turning base anytime soon. So I called the tower to say I was turning right to pass well to the side of him before thinking about turning base myself. The tower acknowledged that and informed me he was on his first solo and would be good if I gave him plenty of room. He got down OK and was congratulated by the tower just before I landed on 18R. Back to the club and stopped for word with Euan who was refueling. He thanked me for the glide approach call as he was catching me up and was concerned he might have to orbit. So, a good call by me :)