This is a bit of a change from my usual postings in that it is not about my flying experiences but the front page of yesterday's NZ Herald with its headline regarding police claims of a "drinking culture" within Air New Zealand. I won't go into the details of the article - best you read it here:
I read it at work and made the usual off-the-cuff, semi-joking remarks but afterwards thought about it a bit more seriously, got rather hot under the collar and now am writing this to let off a bit of steam.
Who are these cops and journos to sound off about the aviation industry/profession??!! When I was at university I remember one of my clasmates who played for the rugby 1st XV moaning about how hungover he was after the aftermatch drinkies the night before. Who had they been playing? - The Metropolitan Police. "Boy, Those coppers can drink" was the gist of his comments (as if 1st XV medics can't!!!)
Also, one of my cousins is married to a journalist and I remember her comments about lunch together - in liquid form - when he was covering Trades Unions and other conferences! Having actually seen this guy drink some years ago I can well believe it!!
Anyway, you have only to watch TV dramas and documentaries to see how journalists and police behave when the pub or bar beckons!!
So, two professions with what would appear to be an ingrained drinking culture casting stones at aviation. The H-word springs to mind. Or should the fare paying public carry breathalyser kits with them and ask the aircraft captain and/or first officer to breathe or talk into the little device before take-off!!! I can just imagine the reaction of some pilots I know!! Any comments, guys and gals??